
Ex-Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby will not serve prison time

Ex-Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby will not serve prison time

Attorney Marilyn Mosby, the former Baltimore City State’s Attorney, will not be imprisoned for perjury or mortgage fraud, a court determined Thursday.

Instead, she was convicted to three years of restricted release and twelve months of confinement at home.

The judge determined that she had to give up her Florida apartment and 90% of her income. She chose 90% since Mosby put down 10% to secure the mortgage. Mosby’s supporters and she both praised Judge Lydia K. Griggsby’s decision to spare Mosby from prison time.

“I simply want to say this from the bottom of my heart. Many thanks. “Thank you for fighting,” an emotional Mosby addressed his fans. “I appreciate the federal public defense team’s effective advocacy on my behalf… I swear, God put angels into my life.”

Mosby and her public attorneys stated that she would appeal both judgments. In recent weeks, she has advocated publicly for a presidential pardon, claiming innocence amid her convictions.

“This isn’t over, but God was here today,” Mosby said. “He touched the core of this judge and allowed me to go home to my kids.”

Her kids also thanked the audience, and Mosby’s oldest daughter stated she was motivated to become a prosecutor herself.

Before her punishment, the judge addressed Mosby directly. “There is no indication that you abused your office,” the court stated. “The conduct is not violent. Most importantly, you are a mother of two daughters.

The judge also stated that this was a “sad and difficult day.” “It’s a sad day for Mosby and her family. It’s also a sad day for Baltimore.” “The court is aware that you live in Baltimore,” the judge stated.

Mosby reached the courthouse in Greenbelt, Maryland, passing by a busload of fans and cheers. These supporters then gathered outdoors to pray in a circle.

Mosby risked up to 40 years in prison. Prosecutors recommended a 20-month sentence, claiming Mosby committed perjury during her last trial.

She contended that she had done nothing illegal and was targeted by prosecutors because of her progressive views. She has reaffirmed her call for a presidential pardon.

Marilyn Mosby was originally indicted in January 2022 and fought for two separate trials. The first jury convicted her guilty of perjury for pretending to take money from a retirement account.

The second jury decided she committed mortgage fraud by lying on paperwork about a $5,000 gift from her then-husband, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby, to close on a mortgage for a vacation house in Florida.

The office of US Attorney Erek Barron stated, “Ms. Mosby’s unremorseful and unapologetic actions ignore any apology, recognition, or punishment.”

The government had sought a 20-month sentence. Federal prosecutors repeatedly told the judge Mosby had lied and attempted to subvert the legal system.

“Marilyn Mosby is unremorseful and has no regard for the truth,” Assistant US Attorney Sean Delaney stated in court. “She does not have the freedom to escape the consequences of her words—saying one thing to the court and another thing to the American public.”

Keith Davis Junior and his wife Kelly were among those who saw the proceedings. Mosby’s successor, Ivan Bates, dismissed Keith’s murder accusations after many trials.

“The tables have been turned.” I get no enjoyment from sitting back and watching her go through this. Her arrogance is astonishing and stunning to me. Kelly Davis stated, “She is not a victim of the system because she was the system.

Both agreed, however, that Mosby should not have had to serve time in prison. Mosby’s attorneys have requested a halt on the sale of her Florida residence. The Biden administration has not responded to her official request for a presidential pardon.

Mosby will also be required to conduct 100 hours of community service.

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